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Search Engine Rankings Report

Know your current position
The first step in improving your rankings

Search Engine RankingsMonitor your search engine placement with our comprehensive Search Engine Rankings Report. A top 10 ranking in a major search engine like Google, Yahoo or MSN will often generate more targeted traffic than an expensive banner advertising campaign - and, a good search engine position is like highly targeted advertising that is both FREE, and effective!

Save hours of time by automating dozens of searches to see how well your pages rank for the keywords that people might search on to find you. Knowing how you're currently positioned is a key step before taking action to improve your rankings.

We produce detailed search engine ranking / positioning reports showing how your site is performing on all major search engines, regional search engines and pay per click search engines.

If you have previously ordered our rankings report you can compare the current results with those you got with the previous report or even with the first or best results.

Analysing your competition
In many industries it is critical for a website to outrank competition. You can enter URLs of a few competing websites and see how they stack against your website. You will also see the number of pages competing on every keyword. Provide us with URLs of your competition at the "Order" page and in our report you will see how your website stacks up against them.

Ranking Score: the index of your success
It's a single figure that summarises your site's overall visibility on search engines. Ranking score makes it very convenient to estimate your progress over time, and to quickly compare your visibility with competitors. The "Details" section will give you a deeper breakdown of where each site ranks for each keyword on each engine.

What do we deliver?

  • A detailed search engine rankings report with competition analysis in html format and excel spreadsheet.